
Administrative Intern > Joboolo FR :

Société : AUTEL Energy - Europe
Lieu : Paris

Autel Energy business is booming in Europe.

We are now inviting talented people to join our team and create a green future together About Autel Energy Founded in 2004, Autel Intelligent Technology Corp., Ltd.

specializes in the R&D, production, sales, and service of automotive intelligent diagnostics, detection and analysis systems, and automotive electronic components.

Autel is one of the world's leading suppliers of automotive intelligent diagnostics, testing, and TPMS products and services.

In February 2020, Autel was listed on the SSE STAR Market (stock code:


Autel Energy was launched in 2021, dedicated to providing a full range of AC/DC charging station products and solutions for various scenarios.

After three years of rapid development, Autel Energy has become a leading solutions provider of EV charging station products in Europe.

With excellent quality and high-quality localized service of AC/DC series products, are highly favored by European energy companies, CPOs, and dealers.

In Europe, we have:

- Over 120 employees actively engaged in researching and developing electric vehicle charging solutions, aiming to explore sustainable development for people, vehicles, technology, and new energy.

- 7 subsidiary companies located in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and Sweden, providing local services and support.

We work closely with our customers, understand their needs, and provide customized solutions.

- 4 local training centers dedicated to providing professional product technical training for our customers.

- 2 local cooperative warehousing centers to ensure stable product supply.

- 2 local research and development centers committed to continuous product innovation, providing customers with smarter, more efficient charging solutions, and exploring new opportunities in intelligent driving and new energy.

Our team not only focuses on technological innovation but also actively participates in social responsibility projects, aiming to reduce environmental impact and promote sustainable development.

We firmly believe that through continuous collaboration and innovation, we can make greater contributions to the electric vehicle industry in Europe and globally, driving the entire sector towards a more environmentally friendly and intelligent direction.

For further information, please visit us now at https:

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-Responsible for sending and receiving mail and parcels.

-Assist in planning and organizing team activities, including company lunches, team building etc.

and provide administrative support during large events.

-Procure office supplies and other products for the company.

-Assist in communication between the company and external agencies and various suppliers for integrated administration.

-Assist in managing the company's existing fixed assets and maintaining related records.

-Organize and maintain company documents.

-Complete other related tasks assigned by the company.

Job Requirements:

-Proficiency in French, English, and Chinese is preferred.

-Proficiency in Excel, Word, and other office software.

-Conscientious, responsible, patient, with excellent communication skills, and a strong sense of service.

What we offer
- Retention opportunities for outstanding interns
- Pleasant working atmosphere and friendly work team
- Internship Agreement (Convention de Stage) Location:

Paris, France Start date:

As soon as possible Working hours:

Full-time Apply now and join Autel Energy to create a green future together Contact:

Apply directly on LinkedIn or send your resume to

Please mention the position that you are applying for in the subject.

Best of luck with your job application Autel Europe å?¨æ³?å?½æ??è? è¡?æ?¿å®?ä¹ ç??
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AUTEL Energy - Europe
Expérience souhaitée

Nouvelle recherche d'emploi Administrative Intern

Plus d'offres AUTEL Energy - Europe

Administrative Intern - Lieu : Boulogne-Billancourt - Société : ZTE Corporation

Administrative Intern - Lieu : Paris - Société : AUTEL Energy - Europe

Intern - Lieu : Paris - Société : London Stock Exchange Group

Offres d'emploi fournis par offre-emploi ==> France